Gundam Seed
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Gundam Seed

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Cagalli Yula Attha

Laccus with all her haros.

Athrun gets injured.

Athrun Zala

Cagalli with ORB

Athrun Zala

Laccus Clyne

Princess Laccus Clyne!!!

Athrun made another Haro?

Athrun and Cagalli

Brother Kira and Sister Cagalli

Mwu la Flagga

How sweet!

Lol, you know what happened, don't you keno?

Lol, this is soooo funny.

She's beautiful isn't she?

In the loving care of Laccus.

A coordinator's past.

Athrun with Birdie

Nursing Kira.

Hello Princess!

Birdie, Birdiee, Birdeeee

A nice warm welcome.

A moment in romantic silence.

The beautiful Cagalli comes second to Princess Laccus.

Kira in battle

Kira you're awesome! Cagalli you're beautiful!

They were meant for each other.

Athrun in battle

Go Kira, protect you're sister!